Thursday, November 19, 2009

Red Ribbon Week

I read the a book about the red ribbon week. Like weaks agow we read about "Red Ribbon Weak" and "Kiki Camarena". We study about them so I desaid to tell my moom to take me to the libary to get a book about them. I read a book name "Red Ribbon Week with Kiki camarena". A quik summery would be that Enrique camarena hade two childen and his wif. was healing people stop using drugs. He was so gopd at it that he was spopingone of the most famist people that were working with drugs. The main resain that he was working in this job is because he didnt wanted that he childing to using drugs. One day he was going to find out one of the bigest druger maker. One day affer geting out of his office he was going to meat with his family. I dont nowhow the people that were using drugs they now that he was going to do. So when he was going out of his office he got tract by the poeple into a car. The plan of that people was to kill Kiki Camarena but not at the moment they were going to kill hem slowly. After that his family wanted to keep reminding hi by celebrating him each year for all the hard work he did. After reading this story for me Read Ribbot Weak has to side it has some fun. It would be fun because we got not to us are unfor and do other things. In the other side It so sad because it look like that he gave hi life for us because he diad working that he like to do.

*************SO LET REMEMBER "KIKI" ENRIQUE CAMARENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Endangered species report

My Endangered Species

This semester we are stuing about the rainforest. How we can save the rainforest and the homes of the animals. In Ms Perez, Mr Estrada and Mr. B. had show videos, artical, worksheet. They are giving or showing this to us to have a better undestaning thaher t we are killing the rainforest. In the class of science with Ms. Perez I learend something that make me think a lot. What it make me think alot is think is that the rainforest will END!!!!!!!!! in the 2030!!!!!!!!!!1. The way Ms. Peres said it it sound so scary.I was thinking we were going to do if we dont have no oxegen. in the rainforest there is animal that we havent even had neme them or recernaise them into thre group of species. I was reserche about one kind of specias that is in denger the animal is a Brown Bear. The Brown Bear common mane is Brown BearOurs brun (Oso Pardo). The sincentist name is Ursus arctor. The habit of the Brown Bear is Temperate Broadleaf Forest. You can find this Brown Bear in Europe Asia Norther America.

The Physical Description, Size and Color

The Brown Bear is one of the larger living carnivores. Aults Mamles are 8 to 10 percent larger than a females. Bear communicates by leaving scatch marles on trees, through smells and sounds.

The biggest Brown Bear was caught is Romania and weighed over 1,000 pounds.

Although the pelage of this species is usually dark brown, it can vary from cream to almost black depending on the location of the species.