Wednesday, October 21, 2009


My teacher from 5th grade that was helping me with reading one day she told me that if I wanted to pass the reading test I have to not give up. Iven if you get furniture or you think that you can't keep going. I told my teacher that I do get fustuered but I think to my self that I don't what to cause thouble to my mom. Because I Tuck my test the first time in 3rd grade but I dint pass it. I tuck it again the same thing results. Now I need to pass it or I would being staying at 3rd grade. In the treed time I did pass it the school I went to take it was far from my house I was taking the bus. My mom was worry about me. That's why I was not giving up because I know how it fell to not pass the test. So I dint give up and I pass the test the fist time. Thank you to my reading teacher.

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