Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Without Paretes Or Teacher

For example in the beginning of the school my friends had a problem because a girl from the same class she didn't like her at all. My friend in the beginning the other girl was telling her things my friend just stay quited but she would tell me how she was felling. The days were passing the girl was telling things to my friend but now the situations was getting wussier each time. The girl was even telling her friends to be ageist my friend. My friend was just ignoring her she was acting like if nothing was happening.I told my friend to tell the teacher what was happening to her. She said no I want to try to talk with the girl. That didn't work the so she dissed to tell the principal at the end both were talking to each other. The pint of all was that if you talk with the person that was messing with you tell whats the problem but nicely and try to be friends.

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