Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My my golds for 2010 I need to bring my math, reading grades up. On math I am not turning my homework so that is bringing my grade down so I am tring my best on turing my homework. In ELA I am dunig good but my mom want me to have (a). I told my mom that i wiil but she have to give me some time to bring my grade up. One of my other grade for 2010 is that i want to spend more time with my dad. I understand that he work so during on the week I amk not trying to say that he is not trying to be with us. But on the weekeds he dont work so I am going to tell him if we can go some were like in a family.

That are the most imporant golds that i have right now. In school and at home they say that school is the most imporant so that is nwhat i am duing I am trying my best to bring my grades up.

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