Wednesday, May 5, 2010

1st of May

On May 1st In Austin Texas all the people that were against the law of Arizona went to march. We stared at the capital we went Congress and 11 street. We need to be at the Capital but we stared walking at 5pm. During we were walking one of the Frases that we were saying were "Obama Escucha estamos en la lucha'' that mean ''Obama we are working on it''. Another frace that we were saying was ''Estamos aqui y no nos vamos y si nos echan nos regresamos'' That mean that ''we are hear and we are not going to leave and if you kick us we are going to come back''. The one that we were saying the most is '' Si se puede" or ''Yes we can".

We were saying over and over, I am glad that I was part of that march!!!!

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