Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Frist School Year In EACPA!!!!!

My first year at EACPA was very good i am very proud of the school knowing that it was there first year and its a new school but you can't really nosiest because every thing went great. I think that there is not another that is this good. Like my mom sad that in this school the teacher are very diffident when i say different i mean in the nice way what i mean is that they do almost anything for us to get a good grade. In the public schools they don't let us turn in are homework late or make up something. So that is one of the things i really like about this school. I think that its good that we are in small group because like that the teacher can focus in a small group and we get the material that we need. Because if we had the same amount of kids that the other school does i think that we were not get the skill that we need. I also like is that they make us fell good they never tell us that cant do it or that we are not able to do it. If we do something good they try to give us something back for are good job. Like on Christmas they gave us a present to each of us that was very nice of them. things like that. Not in every school they do that. I think that there isn't a better school.

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