Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My my golds for 2010 I need to bring my math, reading grades up. On math I am not turning my homework so that is bringing my grade down so I am tring my best on turing my homework. In ELA I am dunig good but my mom want me to have (a). I told my mom that i wiil but she have to give me some time to bring my grade up. One of my other grade for 2010 is that i want to spend more time with my dad. I understand that he work so during on the week I amk not trying to say that he is not trying to be with us. But on the weekeds he dont work so I am going to tell him if we can go some were like in a family.

That are the most imporant golds that i have right now. In school and at home they say that school is the most imporant so that is nwhat i am duing I am trying my best to bring my grades up.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why Dont You Get A Horse Sam Adams

This is Samuel Adams
For my bookshare I desaide to read a book name Why Dont You Get A Sam Adams. A quicly of the book would be:
John Adams wan't to make Samuel ride a horse, but Samuel does not like to ride in a horse, because he cannot talk at talk that the same time. So Samuel liked tride the ride in a chase because he can talk then he is in the chase.On the horse he dont know or haven't learned to ride a horse and talk at the same time. Samuel Adams needed to learned to ride ahorse because all of his friends had a statued of them rideing a horse. So he was thinking "i want to have a statued to but i dont now how to ride a horse.'' So he desaide to learn how to ride a horse. Days were hasing and each day he was learning how to ride a horse, each time he was getting better and better.
So when he was good at rideing the horse and been talking at the same time he fanaly he got a statues of him. HE WAS PROUD OF HIM SELF.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

About My Friends

When I am near my friends i fell comtrudall with them. When I am sad i can tell them what is happening they can tell me what i can do. I trust my friends so i can tell them my problems and they can tell me. My friends are very inporant to be because we trust each other. With my friends are nice to me, but sometime we get mad to each other but the same day we talk to each other.M y friends that I really trust are Macey, delaney, Dajasia. I have more friends but this are the ones that i care more about. Macey I think that I now more because, we were together in 3rd gade but we din't now each other. In this school we nerest that Macey knows my cousin and that we live very near to each other in the same aparment. So my cousin best friend is Macey nok she is my friends.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Scret On The Garden

I am going to talk about a story that it tolk place at a house ang a garden. There were one girl that she was rich. She only had her dad her mother had pace away. There were a nother girl and her brother there were working in the house. The girl that was rich she was in weel chare i think that she had asma. All 3 kids were around 12-15 year old. So the one that were working for them, they went out of the house when there were coming back they had found a old place that the door had alot of green plants arounded. There were wondering what was behand the that door. After starind at ii f9or as wild they disaind to go beck to the house because4 they were wating for them. When they weere finish doing there work they went to bed there were they were thinkin about going to the garden again to figure out what was behind the door. The next day they went back to the garden to see if they can figure out how to get in. When they went back to the house in the kitin they were say what they had find out. When there were saing that the girl was hearing what there were saying. THe 2 kids had norist that she was ritht there so they told her to not tell nobody. She said that she is not going to tell if she can in that to. One day the tree of them went to the garden inside they had find the key for the big door. When they got in there they were folloing a plath to a place there were duing every thing very faser because in the house they dint know that they when out of the house. So when the dad finds out they are going to wori and try to find out were she is. In a wikld figirs out that they are in the garden . in the garden he dather was so bad because she had a bad bad asma. So when the father when into the garden and take to the hospital then they explaind why they did that they need to get the seconsens.
When i saw this movie it was in the old movie.
Lolk for it its good movie.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Red Ribbon Week

I read the a book about the red ribbon week. Like weaks agow we read about "Red Ribbon Weak" and "Kiki Camarena". We study about them so I desaid to tell my moom to take me to the libary to get a book about them. I read a book name "Red Ribbon Week with Kiki camarena". A quik summery would be that Enrique camarena hade two childen and his wif. was healing people stop using drugs. He was so gopd at it that he was spopingone of the most famist people that were working with drugs. The main resain that he was working in this job is because he didnt wanted that he childing to using drugs. One day he was going to find out one of the bigest druger maker. One day affer geting out of his office he was going to meat with his family. I dont nowhow the people that were using drugs they now that he was going to do. So when he was going out of his office he got tract by the poeple into a car. The plan of that people was to kill Kiki Camarena but not at the moment they were going to kill hem slowly. After that his family wanted to keep reminding hi by celebrating him each year for all the hard work he did. After reading this story for me Read Ribbot Weak has to side it has some fun. It would be fun because we got not to us are unfor and do other things. In the other side It so sad because it look like that he gave hi life for us because he diad working that he like to do.

*************SO LET REMEMBER "KIKI" ENRIQUE CAMARENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Endangered species report

My Endangered Species

This semester we are stuing about the rainforest. How we can save the rainforest and the homes of the animals. In Ms Perez, Mr Estrada and Mr. B. had show videos, artical, worksheet. They are giving or showing this to us to have a better undestaning thaher t we are killing the rainforest. In the class of science with Ms. Perez I learend something that make me think a lot. What it make me think alot is think is that the rainforest will END!!!!!!!!! in the 2030!!!!!!!!!!1. The way Ms. Peres said it it sound so scary.I was thinking we were going to do if we dont have no oxegen. in the rainforest there is animal that we havent even had neme them or recernaise them into thre group of species. I was reserche about one kind of specias that is in denger the animal is a Brown Bear. The Brown Bear common mane is Brown BearOurs brun (Oso Pardo). The sincentist name is Ursus arctor. The habit of the Brown Bear is Temperate Broadleaf Forest. You can find this Brown Bear in Europe Asia Norther America.

The Physical Description, Size and Color

The Brown Bear is one of the larger living carnivores. Aults Mamles are 8 to 10 percent larger than a females. Bear communicates by leaving scatch marles on trees, through smells and sounds.

The biggest Brown Bear was caught is Romania and weighed over 1,000 pounds.

Although the pelage of this species is usually dark brown, it can vary from cream to almost black depending on the location of the species.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


My teacher from 5th grade that was helping me with reading one day she told me that if I wanted to pass the reading test I have to not give up. Iven if you get furniture or you think that you can't keep going. I told my teacher that I do get fustuered but I think to my self that I don't what to cause thouble to my mom. Because I Tuck my test the first time in 3rd grade but I dint pass it. I tuck it again the same thing results. Now I need to pass it or I would being staying at 3rd grade. In the treed time I did pass it the school I went to take it was far from my house I was taking the bus. My mom was worry about me. That's why I was not giving up because I know how it fell to not pass the test. So I dint give up and I pass the test the fist time. Thank you to my reading teacher.

Friday, October 16, 2009


I describe my self by friendly, happy, and nice

Am really related to my little cousin Adriana

I love my mother, my dad, and my sister

I feel very good at school

I don't need nothing

I wonder what college am going

I have a lot of fear of snakes

I like to play soccer

I believe that I will complete college

I dream to be a teacher


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Without Paretes Or Teacher

For example in the beginning of the school my friends had a problem because a girl from the same class she didn't like her at all. My friend in the beginning the other girl was telling her things my friend just stay quited but she would tell me how she was felling. The days were passing the girl was telling things to my friend but now the situations was getting wussier each time. The girl was even telling her friends to be ageist my friend. My friend was just ignoring her she was acting like if nothing was happening.I told my friend to tell the teacher what was happening to her. She said no I want to try to talk with the girl. That didn't work the so she dissed to tell the principal at the end both were talking to each other. The pint of all was that if you talk with the person that was messing with you tell whats the problem but nicely and try to be friends.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


To save my community I would recycle more and try not to trow the trash on the floor. I would help by not wasting the water. In school we can save paper because we are killing the tress.

If we don't have no trees will not have any oxygen. It is important not to thou the trash to the rivers because they recycle the water and all the trash is recycle in the water. We are drinking that water and is not to the river either.

I want to be a teacher when I grow up. I want to go to college at UT.
I would teach the kids the important to recycle and how they can recycle.